Small business can  be a messy business

The Brief

Hiscox is America's leading small business insurer. The insurer knew they needed to up their social game as they sought to bring their popular 2021 “Dreams” campaign to their audience’s feeds.

The Insight

The risks associated with small business ownership can keep people from realizing their dreams. But seeing others turn their dreams into reality can inspire someone to take the leap.

The Solution

We worked with Hiscox Insurance to develop an influencer campaign concept focusing on the real stories of small business owners across the United States. Before content development, we created an influencer toolkit with brand standards and had the influencers tell their business stories via long-form videos. We then collaborated with three influencers to create and run a series of four videos showcasing the bravery and entrepreneurial spirit needed to start, and grow, a small business.

The Results

The videos earned over 733k impressions, 645k video views, and a whopping view rate of 93%, greatly increasing the brand’s presence on social media channels.

turning to creators to bring the business
to life