A pop-up shop with a pop of local color

The Brief

Santa Barbara teamed up with the three main DMOs in the surrounding area — Goleta, Santa Maria Valley and Santa Ynez Valley — to promote the region as a whole. Their target audience? Los Angelenos.

The Insight

The best way to sell a destination is to let visitors experience it first-hand from the comfort of their own neighborhood.

The Solution

In a busy suburb of Los Angeles, we created the first ever travel pop-up shop where consumers could try a Santa Barbara County vacation before they bought it. Chroma: a Santa Barbara County Pop-Up Shop let LA consumers immerse themselves in bright, colorful art installations inspired by each region.

The store was supported with a media and trade opening night, influencer outreach and digital and social ads driving traffic to Santa Barbara’s dedicated landing page. Additionally, an in-store booking station offered custom Chroma-inspired travel packages for consumers to book on-site or at home.

The Results

The activation reached over 2.4M digital impressions and drove over 10,000 visitors to the Santa Barbara website —a 2-3x social referral increase when compared to similar time frames. Consumers in the store entered a contest to win a trip through the #ChromaSB hashtag nearly 500 times, and social posts garnered more than 31,000 social engagements.

Visit Santa Barbara county, where you can simply be radiant, rare...you
